Welcome to the Music Cities Community

Bringing Ideas Together to Create Better Music Cities.

What is the Music Cities Community?

We are a community of 1,900+ people in every profession and sector using music to create more value in towns and cities all over the world. We're committed to learning, sharing and networking to ensure that every town and city is advocating for music.

Our Free Plan:

Join our free plan:

*Join live online presentations, panel discussions, networking events, & roundtable workshops
*Explore the global member directory
*Directly message other members
*Follow themed topic threads
*Network in groups based on your profession
*Find and promote jobs in the Global Job Board
*Access to the regular newsletter
*Download the Community app

Curated Groups:

Just get in touch with Luke at [email protected] for info on curated group programmes for your community or cohort, where we offer tailored programming on various music industry, policy and culture topics.